It is the sign of redemption: on it Christ conquered death and gave us life, completing his earthly life. Liturgical norms require that the cross be always placed visibly on or near the altar.
They are divided into processional or astile crosses to be carried in procession or to be placed near the altar, and wall crosses.
The crosses are made of cast brass, chiseled foil or solid copper with the Christ in metal, wood or fiberglass, gilded in 24 Kr Gold or 100% guaranteed silver plating, in various styles and sizes.
Art. Er 1005 e Art. Er 1005/O
Art. Er 3501
Art. Er 3502
Art. Er 3503
Art. Er 3504
Art. Er 3506 e art. er 3506/A
Art. Er 3507
Art. Er 1010/G
R.E.A. 289267 – Registro Imprese
C.F. e P.IVA 02623080245
Via Longhella, 18 – 36050
Località Poianella Bressanvido (VI) – Italy
Tel: +39 0444 660534